Whats new in the Workflow Area of Content Server 16.2.9?

There are seveeral new things implemented in the Workflow area of Content Server 16.2.9.

First think of a very simple workflow defined like this.

a very simple Workflow as example
A really simple workflow

Lets set the name of our workflow to “Test Work Flow 16.2.9”. Lets initiate it.

Stop Action in smartUI

If configured on a landing page, the workflow tracking widget shows our workflow, once initiated like this

The Workflow Tracking Widget
The workflow tracking widget

If you click on the extension button on the lower right of the workflow tracking widget, then there will be a list of all workflows belonging to or initiated by this person will open.

A workflow list with only one workflow.

If you click on the status of a workflow (here we have only one workflow to click onto), the details of this workflow instance opens

Details of the Test Work Flow 16.2.9

Here you see a graphical overview of the current step along with all steps of the workflow. This instance of the workflow an be stopped by pressing the “Stop” Button.

Open the Workflow Map from smartUI

A new Edit Action has been added to allow the edit of a Workflow Map

The new edit action for workflow maps

This will open the Workflow Map Editor in the legacy gui

A simple Workflow
A really simple Workflow

Copying or Moving Workflow Attachments in smart UI

Workflow Attachments can now be moved of copied within the Workflow Attachment Panel

New in 16.2.9: Custom View Search Form as side panel

In 16.2.9, there is a nice thing added to smartUI:

Custom View Search Form

First, a custom view search form has to be configured in the legacy gui, something like this:

A Custom View Search configured fpr a folder
A Custom View Search configured in the legacy gui

When switched to the smartUI, a doubleclick on the stored Search “Product Search” starts the Custom View Search

Search not started
Search started

Then the Search Panel appears on the left. Clicking on the “Search” Button will start the search. A click on the icon in the upper right will switch between the standard form and the tabular form of the search results.

Search results in standard list form
Tabular Form
Search Results in tabular form

Nice, isn’t it?

SmartUI expandable Tiles at Work

Wondered, how expandable Tiles work in smartUI?

The base Widget is a simple Tile:

Reiners Expandable Tile Entries
Expandable Tile Entries

Pressing the Expand Button (lower right) shows a different view with more details as a list:

Expanded Tile Entries
Expanded Tile Entries


For simplicity sake, all require.js setups are omitted. The complete javascript would run on a simple html page without connecting to Server.

First, we need a collection and a model. The model does have 3 attributes, name, desc, adv. 30 Models are filled automatically in the collection.

     var  ItemModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
              defaults: {
                  id: null,
                  name: 'Unnamed',
                  desc: 'Unnamed',
                  adv: 'Unnamed'

      ItemCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
              model: ItemModel,
              initialize: function (models, options) {
                  this._items = _.times(30, function (index) {
                          return {
                              id: index,
                              name: 'Item Entry No.' + index,
                              desc: 'the ' + index + 'th. Description',
                              adv: 'the adv attribute of the ' + index + '-Description Model'
              sync: function (method, collection, options) {
                  if (method !== 'read') {
                      throw new Error('Only fetching the collection is supported.');
                  console.log('Getting', collection._items.length, 'items');
                  var deferred = $.Deferred();
                  setTimeout(function () {
                      var response = _.clone(collection._items);
                      if (!options) {
                          options = {};
                      if (options.success) {
                          options.success(response, options);
                      collection.trigger('sync', collection, response, options);
                  }, 250);
                  return deferred.promise();

Second, we need two views, a base view and an expanded view.

The base view with its template is:

      ListItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
              className: 'binf-list-group-item',
              template: Handlebars.compile($('#list-item-template').html())
script id="list-item-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template"

<> around the script tags are omitted

The extended view with its template is

ListFieldItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({

                  className: 'binf-list-group-item',

                  template: Handlebars.compile($('#list-item-template1').html()),

                  initialize: function () {

                      this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync', this.render);



                  serializeData: function () {

                      if (!this.model && !this.collection) {

                          return {};

                   var args = [this.model || this.collection];
                  if (arguments.length) {
                      args.push.apply(args, arguments);

                  if (this.model) {
                      return this.serializeModel.apply(this, args);
                  } else {
                      return {
                          items: this.serializeCollection.apply(this, args)
script id="list-item-template1" type="text/x-handlebars-template"
   {{#each items}}
      p class="items"a href=#{{name}}  ----     {{desc}}---{{adv}}/a/p

<> brackets around the html and script tags are omitted

The serialize function is used to make the collection renderable with handlebars.js. This and item-template1 will render to this expanded view:

We also need one base view, referencing our two views, one as contentview and one as expandedView. We add the Behavior Expanding with the options with our collection set. And of course, with several title and icon options set.

     ListTileView = TileView.extend({
              icon: 'header-openfolder',
              title: 'Reiners expandable Tile Entries',
              contentView: ListView,
              contentViewOptions: function () {
                  return {
                      collection: this.items
              childEvents: {
                  'click .items': 'onClickItem'
              onClickItem: function (target) {
                  this.triggerMethod('execute:defaultAction', target.model);
                  alert("Clicked on item '" + target.model.attributes.name + "'");
              behaviors: {

                  Expanding: {
                      behaviorClass: ExpandingBehavior,
                      expandedView: ListFieldItemView,
                      expandedViewOptions: function () {
                          return {
                              collection: this.contentView.collection
                      titleBarIcon: 'title-assignments',
                      dialogTitle: 'Reiners Special Tile expanded Details',
                      expandIconTitle: 'Reiners Expand Button',
                      dialogTitleIconRight: "icon-tileCollapse"
              constructor: function (options) {
                  ListTileView.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
                  this.items = new ItemCollection(undefined, {
                          top: 30
                     // options.items = this.items;
              onShow: function () {

Initialize it and show it at the el #tile. Then you are done

      // Create instances of the views to show on the page
      tileView = new ListTileView(),

      // Create helpers to show the views on the page

      tileRegion = new Marionette.Region({
              el: "#tile"


Easy, isn’t it?

The complete html file containing the javascript demo code can be downloaded here

How to “widgedize” an existing CS Module

Lets discuss the strategies on how to “widgedize” an existing legacy GUI based module to support smartUI.

As we are discussing smartUI, we do only discuss the client side, the things to do on the server side are only drawn.

Ok, let’s start:

To keep the example easy, we use the Barcode Module, which is part of the core Content Server and is providing a very easy service.

  • Allows to mark a folder and to enter a filename and will print out the coversheet at the right
  • Used to be the designator of a document to be scanned with Enterprise Scan. The document wll be scanned and stored under the folder (defined by the path) and the name (defined by the Document name) in the Content Server.
  • Base for a Scan-Workflow
  • The Barcode module gives this as result
The Barcode result
Result of the Barcode Module Execution

This gives a Barcode ID, the Document Name and the Content Server Path. This sheet can be prited and scanned using Enterprise Scan. Then the next scanned document will be stored in the Content Server with that name and that path.

First, we have to do some investigations.

Investigate the GUI

  • Invoked by clicking on „Print Barcode“ at the container node menu
  • Will ask for the name of the scanned document and output the cover sheet for the scan order
Barcode Node Menu
Is available at the Node menu in the legacy gui
Then the Name of the document can be entered

Investigate the module

  • •Next, the module is interrogated for
    • Data Storage
    • Request handler
    • Internal processing
  • This can be done with the help of CSIDE
    • Use the Module-Tab and DONT(!) unlock the module or import.


Obviously the module uses a table with this format

The barcode table format in SQL

With a unique index on the barcodeid. This is the number which is printed as barcode.

There is also one REST command existing. This REST command /api/v2/barcodes/{barcodeid} is obviously used by the Enterprise Scan to store the doc in the Content Server. It gives this JSON answers:

To be implemented

Server Side (Not part of this example)

  • Rest Services
    • To get the next unique number
    • To store the Barcode ID, Document name, the Path, the User and the Date in the barcode table

Client Side

  • New Barcode Widget
    • To select the parent container
    • To query for Document Name
    • To process all dates
    • To print the cover sheet locally
    • To be used as a small widget under connected workspaces

Client Side Development

  • Copy the base demo widget to a new folder under [yourprojDir]/src/widgets with a new name (p.ex.barcode)
  • Rename all references from the base demo widget to the new name (using wingrep etc)
  • Rename all files to the new widget name
  • Use the test\index.html to verify that all in the copying procedure was successful.
  • At this point the new widget should display the same output as the base widget
  • Add a Nodepicker to get the parent node
  • Use fiddler to search for the REST commands used by the nodepicker
  • Use postman to get the REST answers against an existing CS
  • Setup the REST mock up to test without the need to install the widget (text\index.html)
  • Put the output of the nodepicker to a text field to avoid typos
The Nodepicker Control
The Nodepicker Start Button in our Widget
  • Add a document name input field with a label of „Document name“
The Document name Input field

Next, you can add a „Process Barcode“ button, because everything is gathered. The User Name is in the Context, the Date is today. Process Barcode should (not part of this exercise) report the next sequence number from the table, store all data in the table and render

  • Add a display field for the cover sheet. First with dummy data, then with the actual data filled in. Ensure that the actual user is requested by using the base model.
  • Add a Print-Button
  • Add some Print Functionality using browser printer capabilities

The complete widget would look like

The complete barcode Widget in preliminary layout

ToDo if the Widget is correct

  • Implement the REST Services in the server
  • Add the REST client functionality in the widget
  • Add the REST calls in the mockup
  • Add the barcode widget in the project-name-extensions.json
  • Add the widget and the widgets manifest to the bundles file
  • Grunt
  • Copy the resulting files to the support dir of your carrier module
  • Test it
Adding the barcode widget in xxxxx-extensions.json
Adding the barcode widget in the bundles file

And you have added smartUI support to the barcode module and any Enterprise Scan workflows.

Easy, isn’t it?

The smartUI Page Context

•The simplest context in smartUI is the Page Context, which can include and fetch models and collections, but does not provide any other functionality. If you use it with widgets, which expect changes based on their context-changing models, you will have to handle these changes yourself.

You can use the page context like this

 require(['csui/lib/jquery', '../page.context', 'csui/utils/contexts/factories/connector',
       'csui/utils/contexts/factories/user', './page.context.mock'
     ], function ($, PageContext, ConnectorFactory, UserModelFactory, PageContextMock) {
       var contentElement = $('body'),
           context = new PageContext(),
           connector = context.getObject(ConnectorFactory),
           currentUser = context.getModel(UserModelFactory);
           .text('Connected to the server ' + connector.connection.url)
           .done(function () {
                 .text('Current user is ' + currentUser.get('name'))

This results in

How to use Zip&Download in smartUI

This is a control in smartUI. Basic infos are:

This control uses the command:



“module”, “require”, “csui/lib/underscore”, “csui/lib/jquery”, “i18n!csui/utils/commands/nls/localized.strings”, “csui/utils/command.error”,   “csui/utils/commandhelper”, “csui/models/command”, ” csui/utils/url ”   

Triggered, when more than 1 file is selected. Action.ID = “zipanddownload« 

Uses ‘csui/controls/globalmessage/globalmessage’,         “csui/models/zipanddownload/zipanddownload.preflight”,         “csui/models/zipanddownload/zipanddownload.stages”,         “csui/dialogs/modal.alert/modal.alert”  in local require.

Uses REST Calls. To use the command, these REST calls must exist on the Content Server side.

  • Post api/v2/zipanddownload with body={” id_list”:[oids zu compress],”type” : “zipanddownload ” 
    • Returns in results/data/jobs/id the oid of the archive to download
  • Post api/v2/zipanddownload/oid to download the compressed archive

Simply put the command in a place where your menu options are. Typically in a toolbar config like

/* Example where to put the command
], function (module, ToolItemModel, ToolItemsFactory, lang) {
var toolbarItems = {
    otherToolbar: new ToolItemsFactory({

        first: [{
                signature: "AddParticipant",
                name: lang.CommandNameAddParticipant,
                icon: "binf-glyphicon binf-glyphicon-plus"
                signature: "YourCommand",
                name: "YourCommandname",
                icon: "Your Binf-Glyphicon"
                signature: "PrintParticipants",
                name: lang.CommandNamePrintParticipants,
                icon: "binf-glyphicon binf-glyphicon-print"
            }, {
                signature: "ExportParticipants",
                name: lang.CommandNameExportParticipants,
                icon: "binf-glyphicon binf-glyphicon-download"
            }, {
                signature: "ShowRoles",
                name: lang.CommandNameShowRoles
            }, {
                signature: "RemoveParticipant",
                name: lang.CommandNameRemoveParticipant

        second: [
        third: [
    }, {
        maxItemsShown: 99,
        dropDownIcon: "icon icon-toolbar-more"


return toolbarItems;


The new smartUI Zip&Download control

Zip&Download has arrived in smartUI. Finally.

The new download and zip command
The new download and zip command

Open up a nodelist and you’ll see the new Download command.

How to use it?

  • First select a couple of files to download
  • Click on Download
  • Then the ZIP archive is build
Building the ZIP Archive
Building the ZIP Archive
  • When finished, you can change the default name
ZIP file build
ZIP file build

Then you get the summary of all files contained in this ZIP Archive

Filelist for all files i n the ZIP archive
Filelist for all files i n the ZIP archive

Click on Download and this archive will be downloaded to your machine.

New Permissions Explorer in smartUI

Have you seen the new permissions explorer in smartUI? Open up the permissions on an object and you’ll see the new selection.

Permission Selection
Permission Selection
The Permissions Explorer
The Permissions Explorer

The permissions explorer is opened with a click on the “Permissions Explorer” Button on the upper right.

Inside the Permissions Explorer
Inside the Permissions Explorer

This will give you the option to edit all permissions of the objects in this folder at once.

The new thumbnail mode in smartUI

Have you seen the new smartUI thumbnail mode? You can switch the normal nodelist to the thumbnail mode quite easy by clicking on the list/images icon in the upper right. Another click switches the display back to the list mode.

Thumbnail mode displays all list entries in a more intuitive way
Thumbnail mode displays all list entries in a more intuitive way

And, thumbnail mode does have also commands available

The tumbnails do have also some commands available
The tumbnails do have also some commands available