Using TIKA in the command line

Apache Tika

You might have noticed, that you need a tool to open a document and extract the content as pure text for further natural language processing (p.ex. the buildin Categorizer, linguistic examination, language detection or predicting something from your documents or finding names and locations from your documents ) downstream.

The answer is Apache Tika, a free tool from Apache.

But you as you can programm TIKA in JAVA (inside the Content Server or as a client), you can also use TIKA in the command line without any programming.

BTW: See the starting page of the openNLP series of articles here

The Tika application jar (tika-app-*.jar) can be used as a command line utility for extracting text content and metadata from all sorts of files. This runnable jar contains all the dependencies it needs, so you don’t need to worry about classpath settings to run it. So, no need for coding.

This is the usage-help documentation

usage: java -jar tika-app.jar [option...] [file|port...]

    -?  or --help          Print this usage message
    -v  or --verbose       Print debug level messages
    -V  or --version       Print the Apache Tika version number

    -g  or --gui           Start the Apache Tika GUI
    -s  or --server        Start the Apache Tika server
    -f  or --fork          Use Fork Mode for out-of-process extraction

        TikaConfig file. Must be specified before -g, -s, -f or the dump-x-config !
    --dump-minimal-config  Print minimal TikaConfig
    --dump-current-config  Print current TikaConfig
    --dump-static-config   Print static config
    --dump-static-full-config  Print static explicit config

    -x  or --xml           Output XHTML content (default)
    -h  or --html          Output HTML content
    -t  or --text          Output plain text content
    -T  or --text-main     Output plain text content (main content only)
    -m  or --metadata      Output only metadata
    -j  or --json          Output metadata in JSON
    -y  or --xmp           Output metadata in XMP
    -J  or --jsonRecursive Output metadata and content from all
                           embedded files (choose content type
                           with -x, -h, -t or -m; default is -x)
    -l  or --language      Output only language
    -d  or --detect        Detect document type
           --digest=X      Include digest X (md2, md5, sha1,
                               sha256, sha384, sha512
    -eX or --encoding=X    Use output encoding X
    -pX or --password=X    Use document password X
    -z  or --extract       Extract all attachements into current directory
    --extract-dir=<dir>    Specify target directory for -z
    -r  or --pretty-print  For JSON, XML and XHTML outputs, adds newlines and
                           whitespace, for better readability

         List the available document parsers
         List the available document parsers and their supported mime types
         List the available document parsers and their supported mime types in apt format.
         List the available document detectors
         List the available metadata models, and their supported keys
         List all known media types and related information

         Compares Tika's known media types to the File(1) tool's magic directory

    Apache Tika will parse the file(s) specified on the
    command line and output the extracted text content
    or metadata to standard output.

    Instead of a file name you can also specify the URL
    of a document to be parsed.

    If no file name or URL is specified (or the special
    name "-" is used), then the standard input stream
    is parsed. If no arguments were given and no input
    data is available, the GUI is started instead.

- GUI mode

    Use the "--gui" (or "-g") option to start the
    Apache Tika GUI. You can drag and drop files from
    a normal file explorer to the GUI window to extract
    text content and metadata from the files.

- Batch mode

    Simplest method.
    Specify two directories as args with no other args:
         java -jar tika-app.jar <inputDirectory> <outputDirectory>

Batch Options:
    -i  or --inputDir          Input directory
    -o  or --outputDir         Output directory
    -numConsumers              Number of processing threads
    -bc                        Batch config file
    -maxRestarts               Maximum number of times the
                               watchdog process will restart the child process.
    -timeoutThresholdMillis    Number of milliseconds allowed to a parse
                               before the process is killed and restarted
    -fileList                  List of files to process, with
                               paths relative to the input directory
    -includeFilePat            Regular expression to determine which
                               files to process, e.g. "(?i)\.pdf"
    -excludeFilePat            Regular expression to determine which
                               files to avoid processing, e.g. "(?i)\.pdf"
    -maxFileSizeBytes          Skip files longer than this value

    Control the type of output with -x, -h, -t and/or -J.

    To modify child process jvm args, prepend "J" as in:
    -JXmx4g or -JDlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.xml.

You can also use the jar as a component in a Unix pipeline or as an external tool in many other scripting languages.

# Check if an Internet resource contains a specific keyword
curl http://.../document.doc \
  | java -jar tika-app.jar --text \
  | grep -q keyword

A nice thing about TIKA is the existence of other language ports like Python or Julia

So, to open documents from the Content Server, you need to use a JAVA REST client (Login, Select the document, transfer the document).

Then use TIKA to extract the text of the document.

Then use openNLP to do all of the AI natural language processing (NLP).

Thats it.

It’s really easy to use Apache TIKA and Apache openNLP in the Content Server environment

openNLP vs Spacy for Contentserver Part 2

openNLP vs Spacy for Contentserver is the second part of a comparism between this two AI NLP packages in the Content Server environment.

openNLP vs Spacy for Contentserver Part 1

Goto the start opennlp series of acticles: Starting Page


openNLP vs Spacy for Contentserver Part 2

Named Entities (NER) detection (ISO Language Codes)fr, de, en, it, nl,da, es, pt,se Other Languages require trainingca,zh, hr, da, nl, en, fi, fr, de, el, it, ja, ko, lt, mk, nb, pl, pt, ro, ru, sl, es, sv, uk, af, sq, am, grc, ar, eu, bn, bg, cs, et, fo, gu, he, hi, hu, is, id, ga, hn, ki, la, lv, lij, dsb, lg, ms, ml, mr, ne, nn, fa, sa, sr , tn, si, sk, tl, ta, tt, te, hh, ti, tr, hsb, ur, vi, yo
Other Languages require training
Word Vectorsexperimentalincluded in the larger models
Visualizersnone Part of Speech
Named Entities
Visualizer in Jupyter Notebooks
Web Based
Connect to the Content Server1. Inside the Content Server in the JVM
2.From a JAVA Client using REST
1. With a JAVA Rest client. This client invokes trhe Spacy processor for each entry to process
2.Using jspybridge (javascript/python bridge) and connect the js part to the Content Server via REST
Remark: Using REST directly from Python won’t work due to the architecture of Content Server REST
File Type OpenerApache TICAApache TICA
Application ArchitectureSeparate Client/can run in the Content ServerSeparate Client
LLM (Large Language Model) Interfacenone as LLM, standard NLP tasks such as Named Entity Recognition and Text Classification are to be implemented locally based n openNLP
Hugging Face, OpenAI API, including GPT-4 and various GPT-3 models (Usage examples for standard NLP tasks such as Named Entity Recognition and Text Classification)
Programming LanguageJAVAPython

Rethinking smartUI Part 4-B

Forms Rest command

Some weeks ago I published a new video on Rethinking smartUI on Youtube. Now we have Rethinking smartUI Part 4-B discussing the main part of gathering and displaying thr documents data.

If you havn’t it seen yet, here is the short video. In this posts, we’ll go though the technical aspects of this new kind of approach to smartUI. This demo is a Document Pad (or short DocPad), displaying all document properties in a SCIFI GUI arrangement.

A warning at the beginning: To use this code with IE11 is a perfect way to test all js error messages. Use this code only with the newest browsers. Its tested with Chrome (V98), Chrome Canary (V98), FF Developer (95.0b4), Edge (95.0) and Firefox (93.0)

The other parts of this post were

Part 4-A The Javascript Part 1

Part 3 The Infrastructure and the CSS

Part 2 The HTML

Part 1 Overview

In the part 4A, we had discussed all the js responsible for the perimeter of the whdgetz. Not lets discuss the main part which is responsible to gather and displad this data:


A CSS Grid

As you can see, there are 6 panels arranged in a CSS grid.

For infos on the css, please review this post, the part 3 of this series.

So let’s start with the panel at top left.

The documents metadata

This is more or less the data which is related directly to the document. The documents node number was the output from the node picker . The nodepicker was closed by the done() callback.


Here we are in the this function of the nodepicker. We extract the node from the callbacks arguments an get the id with the topmost arrow. We extract the name of the node and put this name inside the id #document.

The loadDescriptions function does the work.


The prelude is simply to select the first face “”


If this is not undefined (remember, smartUI always makes 2 runs, so its always a goot idea to test if its defined) the create and modify dates are extracted and translated in a standard js data. For non-US readers it will be always a difference between p.ex 04-05-20 and 4.Mai 2020 (US and german dates for the Star Wars day May the fourth), thats why we translate the dates.

Also we need to get the users of the creation and the modification. But these are numbers, so we want to translate them to names.

Next, extract the server from the connection and construct the members REST command to get these names.

First view: The fetch command

fetch is new in js 6. In this older, antique times you would have used some ajax variants like xmlhttprequest or some similar methods which we will use in other calls for comparism.

Fetch command

Technically, we have to issue two REST calls to /member/ to get the names of the createuser and the modifyuser. We use the fetch command.

Remark: the famous async/await would be much more handy for that, but we wanted to limit the language scope to js6 for these posts.

Once we get the responses, we’ll put that names simply as innerHTML on the panel.

Technically, you can use all other avaliable methods to put text on the panel, from template-strings to create a and fill a text nodein the DOM. You can even invite handlebars to do this for you.


In the top middle panel we added the document thumbnail, which is created automatically during indexing on the server.


We must enter the nodeid in the REST command /thumbnails/medium/content to get the medium resolution version of the thumbnail.

To show the diffence to the fetch comand, the old archaic XMLHttpRequest was used.

The receiving image is put into a div with the id “Thumbnail”.

Image Correction

In the case the user selects another document the old thumbnail would remain. So we remove the old image element.

Almost done, we need to put our otcsticket in the request header and to send the request to the server.


In this function, we use exactly one REST call to get all data at once. This is done by the function /forms/update?id=xx whick will deliver all data for that nodeid at once. Expecially the categories take a while, so a css-fog was used to cloak the image of the approaching grid until the data was received (revisit the video). Then the css fog is cleared and trhe categories are displayed.

The call is also done with the old XMLHttpRequest to show the diffences to the modern fetch command.

Local functions were used instead of those in “this” to keep the scope clean.


The categories and the attributes


Categories were returned in an object with their category name a title in the entry. To get the attributes we have to do a little bit more.


We split the result into several arrays to extract the values. If we have “date” in the type field, we have to use our date translation also on that to display the dates correct.

Security Clearances

All security related data is on the fouth face, the one on the lower left.

Security Clearances

Here, all security levels and markings were displayed inside a span.

Records Management Data

here we extract and fill the data on the lower middle panel.

Records Management

The Versions Data

Here, the REST commend has a problem. Versions are not included in the answer of the REST command, at least in the Content Server versions 21.3 and 21.4. So let’s ionform the user on this fact and display a local language string of this fact.

Tip: Maybe there will be a patch to fix this in the near future.

Versions Data

So we had all parts discussed.

We offer a one day remote training to understand the javascript code. If you are already a sophisticated Javascript Developer, you can get the free Sources also from (a public repository on Github).

Warning: This is only the sourcetree of the project, so you have to insert this in your own project file.

The data returned from the formsupdate?id=nn REST command

The whole data structure is send back in response to a forms/update?id=nnn REST call. Some of these entries take quite a while, so try using some css to cache this.

Forms Rest command

Have fun on discovering the endless possibilities of Dashboards and other Contentserver smartUI extensions using javascript6 and css3.

The sky is the limit.

Rethinking smartUI Part 4-A

Rethinking smartUI

Three weeks ago I published a new video on Rethinking smartUI on Youtube. Now we have Rethinking smartUI Part 4-A discussing Javascript. If you havn’t it seen yet, here is the short video. In this posts, we’ll go though the technical aspects of this new kind of approach to smartUI. This demo is a Document Pad (or short DocPad), displaying all document properties in a SCIFI GUI arrangement.

This is Part 4-A of a multipart post covering Javascript of DocPad. For the css refer to part 3 of Rethinking smartUI.

Warning: This is a lot of js code, so I subdivided this Part 4 into Part 4-A and 4-B (getting all documents infos with 1 Rest call). Part 4-B will be published next week.

We offer a one day remote training to understand the javascript code. If you are already a sophisticated Javascript Developer, you can get the Sources also from (a public repository on Github).

Warning: This is only the sourcetree of the project, so you have to insert this in your own project file.

The post parts until now

Part 4-A The Javascript Part 1

Part 3 The Infrastructure and the CSS

Part 2 The HTML

Part 1 Overview

But first to Rethinking smartUI Part 4-A.

The Javascript auxiliary files

Using the model factory

The idea of a model factory is to combine several functions in one.

a. Create a model and return it.

b. Load server data into this model for use in the main constructor function

A typical factory looks like this:

// the factory for the model
‘csui/utils/contexts/factories/factory’, // Factory base to inherit from
‘csui/utils/contexts/factories/connector’, // Factory for the server connector
‘ademo/widgets/docpad/impl/docpad.model’ // Model to create the factory for
], function (ModelFactory, ConnectorFactory, DocpadModel) {

‘use strict’;
var DocpadModelFactory = ModelFactory.extend({
propertyPrefix: ‘docpad’,
constructor: function DocpadModelFactory(context, options) {
ModelFactory.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
var connector = context.getObject(ConnectorFactory, options);
// Expose the model instance in the property key on this factory instance to be // used by the context = new DocpadModel(undefined, {connector: connector});
fetch: function (options) {
return DocpadModelFactory;

The main Javascript files

The lang.js file(s)

The language system consists of those strings which are pupposed to change per language.

helloMessage: ‘Hello {0} {1}!’,
waitMessage: ‘Please wait’,
seldoc: ‘Select a Document’,
printdoc: ‘Print the selected Document’,
pickerTitle: ‘Select a Document’,
selectPickerButtonLabel: ‘Select’,
descNodeID: ‘Node-ID’,
desDescription: ‘Description’,
desCreated: ‘Created’,
desModified: ‘Modified’,
……more …..

The standard model from Backbone.js

], function (Backbone, Url) {
‘use strict’;

let DocpadModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: ‘Unnamed’

constructor: function DocpadModel(attributes, options) {
Backbone.Model.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

// Enable this model for communication with the CS REST API
if (options && options.connector) {
// Computes the REST API URL using the connection options
// /auth returns information about the authenticated user
// usage of => not possible because of “this” is used for urls
url: function () {
return Url.combine(this.connector.connection.url, ‘/auth’);
} ,

parse: (response) =>


return DocpadModel;



Remark: The Arrow Function at parse is pure js6. But let me quote here

An arrow function expression is a compact alternative to a traditional function expression, but is limited and can’t be used in all situations.

Differences & Limitations:


This means, its not possibe to use when any limitation will take place, like in the constructor.

The docpad.view.js

The stages of docpad.view.js

Get infos via the Bootstrap model

constructor: function DocpadView(options) {
options.model = options.context.getModel(DocpadModelFactory);, options);
this.listenTo(this.model, ‘change’, this.render);

First, we initiate the model (and read the data) via a standard model using the model factory. Then we call the constructor in the prototype with the cs options. Lastly we listen to a change of the data and (in case) we rerender the widget.

Load the photo

The user data contains (eventually) a photo of the user. This is loaded and inserted in the DOM with the function loadPhoto. Here the js6+ fetch function is exposed to get the photo and insert it into after the element woth the .photo class in the dom.

loadPhoto: function () {
let server = this.model.connector.connection.url;
server = server.substr(0,“api/v1”));
let url = server + this.photo_url;
let ticket = this.model.connector.connection.session.ticket;
fetch(url, {method: ‘GET’, headers: {“OTCSTicket”: ticket}})
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(function (myBlob) {
const URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
let photo = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob);
let img = document.createElement(“img”);
img.src = photo;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100); // cleanup

Using the Node-Picker

The Node-Picker is a standard function in the sdk, so we use it.

The file ‘csui/dialogs/node.picker/node.picker’, // the csui node picker

is required at the beginning of the docpad.view.js file under the local name of NodePicker like this:

‘csui/lib/underscore’, // Cross-browser utility belt
‘csui/lib/marionette’, // Marionetter
‘csui/lib/moment’, // the date/time lib in csui
‘ademo/widgets/docpad/impl/docpad.model.factory’, // Factory for the data model
‘csui/dialogs/node.picker/node.picker’, // the csui node picker
‘i18n!ademo/widgets/docpad/impl/nls/lang’, // Use localizable texts
‘hbs!ademo/widgets/docpad/impl/docpad’, // Template to render the HTML
‘css!ademo/widgets/docpad/impl/base’, // base Stylesheet needed for this view
‘css!ademo/widgets/docpad/impl/adv’, // adv stylesheet for this app
‘css!ademo/widgets/docpad/impl/print’ // print style sheet
], function ( _, Marionette, Moment, DocpadModelFactory, NodePicker, lang, template)

The picker is started by pressing the big button, this actually calls showThePicker. Types of 144 (only Documents) and on the enterprise volume are among the start conditions.

The title and other strings are extacted from the appropriate lang.js language file(s). The command at the beginn of the chain displays the nodePicker

showThePicker: function () {
if (undefined === this) {
let btn = document.querySelector(“.btn”);

let nodePicker = new NodePicker({
connector: this.model.connector,
selectableTypes: [144],
dialogTitle: lang.pickerTitle,
selectButtonLabel: lang.selectPickerButtonLabel,
startLocation: ‘enterprise.volume’
nodePicker.s how()
.fail(function () {
console.error(“Picker fails to show”);
.done(_.bind(function (args) {
.replace(“hide”, “display”);
let node = args.nodes[0];
let id =;
this.docname =;
document.querySelector(“#document1”).innerHTML = this.docname;
this.loadDocumentThumbnail(id); // load the thumbnail and display it
this.loadDescriptions(node); // load node data and display it
this.loadNodeData(id); // inquire form update data and display it
}, this)


The callback in the .done clause simply extracts the node id and the name from the results and stores them in the docpad “this”.

In the next week part “Rethinking smartUI Part 4-B” we’ll discuss the REST Commad how to get all document data (nearly) at once.

Rethinking smartUI Part 3

The upper PART

Two weeks ago I published a new video on Rethinking smartUI on Youtube. If you havn’t it seen yet, here is the short video. In this posts, we’ll go though the technical aspects of this new kind of approach to smartUI. This demo is a Document Pad (or short DocPad), displaying all document properties in a SCIFI GUI arrangement.

This is Part 3 of a multipart post covering the technical start of DocPad and the associated CSS

The post parts until now

Part 4-A The Javascript Part 1

Part 3 The Infrastructure and the CSS

Part 2 The HTML

Part 1 Overview

A. The technical infrastructure

Die DocPad is started via the index.html, found in the test folder of the docpad. This is because of its much easier to test modifications via index.html compared to installing the finished widget in the content server and trying it then.

The first part of index.html

The first part of index html

The whole page is more or less standard. We habe 4 areas of interest in the first part. Dont forget, nuc was introduced in 21.2. In older versions nuc was not existant.

  • A. Here, you see the config is moved to the nuc area
  • B. Change A will also require to add the nuc-extensions to the list of dependancies for csui. Thed whole js code is loaded by the “ademo” extension.
  • C. My machine is on a VM. This means, if you put this on your machine, you’ll have to enter your url and your support directory (called supportPath) in the configuration.
  • D. I’ve used my ticket to provide the login. You can use username and password to login the more convential way or also provide a ticket of youfself here. The displayed ticket won’t work at your site.

The second part of index.html

Part 2 of index html

Here we have this points of interest

  • A. The require parts of needed modules. It is a docpad.mock.js in the list of modules, but its not recommended to use the mockup facility because there is lot of traffic from and to the server. Its much easier to add a real content server behind that index.html.
  • B. Standard procedure. Instanciate the widget with the context, display it in the region and fetch the context from the server. As mentioned, its easiere to use a real server as data source so switch the mockup off.
  • C. The marionette region is associated with the id=”widget” of this div, so the widget is displayed here.

At the end there is immediate function starting with

(function() {
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + + '/jb-server-page?reloadServiceClientId=1');

This is inserted by Webstorm (my JS IDE) to allow auto-reload of changed files. You can ignore that, other IDEs will solve that differently.

B. The CSS


Here, all css files used in the docpad are listed in the require.js list of required modules. For demo purposed and to keep things simple, I used 3 css files:


This file contains the basic css instructions to style the .hbd template shown at the top of list.


contains the more advanced css instructions for docpad


is the print style sheet to provide a proper output on paper.

Disclaimer: The css instructions selected do not impose or propose any styles to be followed, instead they are used for pure demo purposes here.

The base.css File

Here the main functionality of the css is found. One of the feature of css3, the variables, is used. In the pseudo element :root all variables used in different rules are defined.

css setup

At the end of the snipped you’ll see a media query, saying the following is used tor screen display.

Lets discuss several stages:

The header + the footer


These two structures exploit the standard userinfo with REST from the content server in a standard backbone model. “Hello xxxxxx” is a structure from the hello world demo with the word “hello” and the signed in user. The photo is downloaded from the content server and dosplayed.

The bottom structure simply prints out other user data on the screen .

Points of interest:

Font used

The nice digital effect is build with the font “digital-7”

The header is done with

The header

Ther photo is inserted at the position of the .photo class in the size of 80×60 pixel. Then the photo gets this nioce rounded look using border-radius.

the footer conststs of three divs, which are positioned in 3 columns

The footer

The divs have the classes .boxcell and .leftbox and are descendants of the .footerbox

The document display

The document display consists of six divs and are positioned using a css grid.


They have numbers, the numbers range from one (“card1”) to 6 (“card6”). The css part is (shown here only a fraction):


They are all children of the cube, using the display mode grid and displaying the 6 cards in two rows and threee columns.


Using the diffent REST methods in the js code, these cards were filled by the standard methods of DOM interaction from js. This will be the main theme of next weeks post, the js code of “Rethinking smartUI” Part 3.

Rethinking smartUI Part 2

Last week I published a new video on Rethinking smartUI on Youtube. If you havnt seen yet, here is the short video. In this posts, we’ll go though the technical aspects of this new kind of approach to smartUI. This demo is a Document Pad (or short DocPad), displaying all document properties in a SCIFI GUI arrangement.

This is Part 2 of a multipart post covering all aspects of this Docpad.

The post parts until now

Part 4-A The Javascript Part 1

Part 3 The Infrastructure and the CSS

Part 2 The HTML

Part 1 Overview

The html

First, lets take a look on the html (in out case the .hbs file). This is the top part of the widget,

The HBS file, Part 1

The div with the class “topbox” contains the Username and the Photo. There is also a Print-Button, if a document is selected.

A button, class “picker” is sorted in a div with “picker”. This is the button used to start the node picker component. Its hidden now, will be used later, when a document is selected.

The documents data is displayed using a cube. A cube has six sides so all sides can be presented using a css grid or …. (arranged in a 3D cube which can be rotated in 3D. But thhis is not part of this demo).

The whole thing is arranged in a div with the id of “content”. The top element is a div with the class “cube”, holding six divs for the six sides

The html of the cude

Just for fun, the cube is surrounded by a div with the class “cam”. If you want to display the cube as 3d cube. This is used to set the perspective on a 3d Cube. If you are interested in learning more on 3D css cubes, refer to

Lets see the Actions.

The Actions in Detail

After starting the aplication, there are several stages, They are

a. Application started

Docpad started
Docpad started

Here, the application is just started. the “Select a document” started from the top left and moved in the center of the window. This button will initiate the nodepicker, a standard component of the smartUI library.

Until now, we queried the user logged in. Then, we greet the user, extract the photo from the Content Server Database and display this photo in the top right. To make it more interesting, we displayed the photo in round form via css.

In the three panels at the bottom we displayed the rest of the user record. Just for fun we surrounded the three botton panels with a border animation.

b. Nodepicker selected

The next stage is the nodepicker. After pressing the “Select a document” button, it is started and delivers a list folders and documents on the associated Content Server. Meanwhile, the Button moved again back to upper left corner.

c. Document selected

After the user selects a document, all data of this document is read from the server. In this case, the “APAC Expense Report.xlsx” is selected. (Refer to part 1 to see which REST commmands are used).

As of do have a document, we can display the header and the print button.

As you can see when playing the video, the cube starts in some distance and is a little but foggy during the approach and clears when we receive all data.

Display of the document

The reason is, that the forms/update REST call takes longer and we use CSS animations ans css view filters to hide that fact from the user. When in doubt, view the video on top of this post again.

For beauty there are also some hovering effects added, on the panels and on the thumbnail.

d.Document to Print

The last stage is (besides selecting a new document to display) is to print the document.

Here we have the print previev in Chrome

Print stylesheet in action

As we can see. the node data is printed in the form of a css grid on paper. The display is in standard layout. A media query selects a print style sheet instead of the normal stylesheet(s).

In the next week we discuss in Part 3 the index.html to start the widget standalone and css stylesheets (there are really several). We’ll then conclude this series in Part 4 discussing the Javascript made for this demo.

We’ll use the 4 steps of the application as the schema for Part 3 and 4.

See you next week!

Asking your browser for help in smartUI developments

Browser Memory

When you think of smartgUI, you may always think of a lot of small js/css text files and a couple of resources to be loaded. All together act as smartUI Page like this:

A typical standard landing page

This is a typical landing page. With such a page you can control, how your perspective is working and also if certain commands, controls and widgets are correct. For example, the widget ot the top left is a modified Welcome Widget showing System Messages and other news channels.

What else can a browser do for you in your continuing quest to produce an awesome user experience for an enduser?

A lot! First, open the development tools in the browser. Here we are using Chrome, but this tools are available on all browsers.

Developer tools – a closer look

Developer Tools

Press Ctrl+Shift+I or the Develeloper tools entry in the menu.

The tabs in the developer tools

This will open up the develeloper tools. The functionality is subdivided in several tabs. The most important (from left to right) are

  • Elements. Gives you the possibility to see the actual DOM loaded, Here you can change css and other elements and you’ll see immediately the effect. The rightmost icon lets you identify any element on the screen (and display it in the DOM). Thaty a handy way to identify elements on the screen and to which js file they belong (Similar way as we had in legacy gui with oscript in these ancient times)
Identify Icon
  • Console. Gives you all messages from the browser. You can see all module messages, also missing modules are displayed in red. There are several levels of messages, which can be filtered. Here, since this is a develeopent VM, all levels are activated.
  • Sources. The main tab to work with.
The sources window

The complete smartUI is loaded in the browsers memory (except those data parts, which will be changed via REST/Ajax later on). So we can examine directly, whats happening in the browser.

Interesting is the treeview at left:

Loaded js parts

We see blue and orange folders, which can be opened. Lets open a blue folder, for example the “New Generation Desktop” ngd and the resubmission

Bundles and Sources

First, we see, the ngd has the name ngd/bundles. It contains the js and css bundles of ngd. Lets open another folder, the resubmission folder. Here you see a blue app/bundles folder and an orange folder named src. Here you have the standard SDK tree. If there sre orange folders, then you can browse into the source code, like this:

Load a souce file which is not in the SDK

Here we checked the AddReminder.js from the reminder package, which is one of these modules not part of the smartUI SDK.

Whats to do with that file(s)? Select the file (with js extension) in the tree and right klick. Here you can edit the file or save the file to your filesystem.

Save a loaded js file

Search a needle in a haystack

We have a lot of js files in the browser memory. How to search for a specific file?

First, display the search window by clicking on the to right 3 point menu. Goto More Tools and click on Search. Then a search bar opens at the lower left. Enter your search name (mostly part of the requirejs path) and you’ll see the results. Select the .js file (bundles are not very useful to read). The file is displayed in the source window.

Our requirejs paths in the browser

Sometimes its quite nice to inspect the loaded requirejs modules in the browsers memory.

At first, we have to switch to the debugger mode. So open the console tab and type “debugger” in the last line to put the browser in Debug mode.

Then our interestring things appear at the right of the developers tools.

We see, the scope is filled with the loaded objects. Go to the global scope. Scroll down, until you’ll find ther csui entry. Please note, this may change to nuc from 21.2!

There are several entries under csui. Open the first “require” entry (or “requirejs”). Then open s. Expand contexts. Open _ (underscore). Expand registry.

Then all loaded csui and extension parts are listed in the registry. Lets examine one entry (countryselector.view).

Under depmaps, we see the dependencies.

Under map we see all map related things, this is the place to override an original module with a custom one.

And we have access to the source code (if we click on the link at countryselector.view:13.)

Now you have the base for your own experiments. There are a lot of additional features in the developers tools, which could not be covered here. So: Happy experimenting.

How to check if the smartUI SDK is working

Test the sdk

If you get new Content Server Versions, you also have to upgrade your existing smartUI projects to the new version.

In this post, I’ll give a short receipe how to check the functionality of the sdk.

The primary component of the sdk is the generator. It contains the compete sdk and all infrastructural things (grundfiles etc) to build a project folder. All other zip files (except the style override kit for webdesigners) are secondary.

The following receipe builds on a running SDK of any older version.

The Check

So to check, if a new generator is working, do this: (can be done in parallel to existing versions).

  • Unzip the new generator to a folder.
  • if you do have older generator installed and you want to keep it:
    • change the name of the new generator to reflect the test, for example generator-test21.2.
    • Also configure this name in the generator. Click here for details
  • go inside the unzipped generator folder and link it to your npm
Yo Generator Links
Yo Generators
  • init the new test project with the new generator (here yo csui-21.1-standard). Then wait and check, if there are any issues. You can ignore minor issues, as long as the folder is initialized.
  • install the demo widget from the generator by typing yo <your-generatorname>:widget. Do not try to install the demo widget from different sources, you want to test if the generator runs.
  • run grunt from the commandline for the new project
    • Should not indicate any issues.
    • in the out-module folder should be the module to install in the Content Server
    • in the out-release folder should be at least a json file and a bundles folder with content.
Output files

But if you get a result like this:

Non working SDK

then the generator is broken und the whole SDK wont work. You can try to grunt –force, but the results will be not defined. In this case, you should wait for a working version of the SDK.

If the thing is working, you should be able to install the module and see the hello widget in the perspective manager.

Happy Testing

Yeoman & generator-csui-extension secrets

Yeoman and smartUI

Have you ever wondered about the yeoman and the genererator-csui-extension? And whats going up in the somewhat bumpy installation and generation of a project dir? This are the Yeoman & generator-csui-extension secrets.

Yeoman & generator-csui-extension secrets: Lets unveil this secrets

First, recap the installation steps from scratch:

  1. Download and install node.js Version 11.15.0 (In you try a newer version, you will be rewarded by the famous primordials not defined error on starting yo, see this post )
  2. Set npm (part of node.js) to npm version 3 globally (npm install -g npm@3 (I am using 3.3.10)
  3. Install the grunt cli globally (npm install -g grunt-cli@1)
  4. Optional path: Unpacking the sdk and setting up the sampes)
    1. Unpack the SDK in a folder (p.ex. sdk)
    2. go inside this folder
    3. Use npm to install all requirements (npm install)
    4. Then you can start the internal webserver (Default under post 7777) by npm start and browse to sample-index.html inthis dir. Here you will get a listing of certain samples.
    5. The doc folder contains a very basic documentation of the smartUI SDK
  5. But for practical work, you need to gererate at least one project folder. This is a complete structure, containing the actual sdk and a place to build your own packages. So lets generate a project folder named project
    1. Preparation, only to do once
      1. unpack the gererator-csui-extension to a dedicated folder (p.ex. generator)
      2. While not(!) in this folder, install yeoman globally (npm install -g yo@1)
      3. go inside the folder generator
      4. link this as an extension to npm (npm link)
    2. Lets generate the project folder
      1. make the folder named project
      2. go inside the folder named project. Its empty
      3. Start yo to execute the csui-extension (yo csui-extension)
        1. you need to define the name of your oscrippt module and the requirejs base name. Then its doing a lot.
        2. Now your project is really full. You can optionally add a demo widget (yo csui-extension:widget)
      4. Now, build the project (grunt)

Ok, now the project folder project is operable. Lets take a close look on the generator.

(Remark: The versions mentioned are the working versions in my dev machines. Other, newer versions may work, but this is not guaranteed.)

Close Look at the Generator

When you do a npm link, a symbolic link is is build from the folder to [roaming dir]\npm\node_modules\generator-csui-extension.

Symlink Generator and Yeoman

So the extension folder is used as input for the yo execution.

Our Generator source folder looks like

Mann Content of the Generator

The app folder here is interesting

App folder of the Generator

First lets take a look on the rest of the templates folder

Some deeper folders in the hierarchie

Here we see, we have the same structure as lib…. in the sdk. SO the complete SDK is copied fron the generator folder to the project dir unter lib. There is no need to use the sdk folder (except for docs and samples)

A closer look at index.js (Excerpt). This file is executed during “yo csui-extension”.


Here you see, the whole structure is copied directly from the templates folder to the destination project. All contents in this templates folder are later in the project folder.

A closer look at package.js


The package.json contains as always the definition of this generator extension like, name, description and depedencies of this extension.

Areas for Customizations are at this areas (for example):

  • Custom gruntfiles, which shoulkd apprear in all new generated project folders
  • A different setup for the linters which should apprear in all new generated project folders
  • Added libraries
  • Added documentation structures

How to do this

Simply modify the generatot folder, add your customizations and modifications. You can save this folder as .zip to distribute internal standards.

Happy Customizing

System Messages (in the smartUI Welcome Widget)

System Messages in smartUI

Remember the System Messages in the Content Server? This is an handy tool to display system related messages, like: “Next weekend we have maintenance” to inform users on issues with the system.

Normally, System Messages are added or deleted in the Admin pages. Here is an example:

How to add or delete system messages

A name of the Message, the message itself, an option URL for any explanatory pages and an effective date build together the System Message. Per default the System Message has a timeout period of 2 days after publishing, but this can be set in the opentext.ini file by setting a value to NewsDFTExpiration.

From this source the System Messages will be displayed in the legacy gui like this

System Messages are displayed in the legacy gui

But whats if somebody uses smartUI? Unfortunately, there is no possibility to display System Messages in smartUI.

Until the otherwise senseless Welcome Widget is amended. It can look like this:

System Messages in smartUI
System Messages – the new feature in the Welcome Widget.

(Disclaimer: This widget is NOT in the OpenText SDK. This is made by me. Contact me if you interested in using that)

The widget gets its system messages directly from an REST call which extracts this Messages and delivers them to the widget.

The news player is basically an unordered list with an <li> for each news entry. all news were rendered in the <ul> This is a screenshot of the handlebars template.

If any url is in the System Messages, the link opens up in a new tab or a new window.

The news entries scroll with a pure CSS3 animation, no additional Javascript is needed for that. Here is the animation part of the news

And the magic of animation is done with this:

And suddenly the Welcome Widget supports System Messages.

Nice, isn’t it.