Possible amendment of the search results

We just discussed a possible amendment in the OpenText smartUI Content Server Search Results. Whats about an addition of a thumbnail for each document found?

Tabular View with Thumbnails

It looks like this:


Yeoman & generator-csui-extension secrets

Yeoman and smartUI

Have you ever wondered about the yeoman and the genererator-csui-extension? And whats going up in the somewhat bumpy installation and generation of a project dir? This are the Yeoman & generator-csui-extension secrets.

Yeoman & generator-csui-extension secrets: Lets unveil this secrets

First, recap the installation steps from scratch:

  1. Download and install node.js Version 11.15.0 (In you try a newer version, you will be rewarded by the famous primordials not defined error on starting yo, see this post )
  2. Set npm (part of node.js) to npm version 3 globally (npm install -g npm@3 (I am using 3.3.10)
  3. Install the grunt cli globally (npm install -g grunt-cli@1)
  4. Optional path: Unpacking the sdk and setting up the sampes)
    1. Unpack the SDK in a folder (p.ex. sdk)
    2. go inside this folder
    3. Use npm to install all requirements (npm install)
    4. Then you can start the internal webserver (Default under post 7777) by npm start and browse to sample-index.html inthis dir. Here you will get a listing of certain samples.
    5. The doc folder contains a very basic documentation of the smartUI SDK
  5. But for practical work, you need to gererate at least one project folder. This is a complete structure, containing the actual sdk and a place to build your own packages. So lets generate a project folder named project
    1. Preparation, only to do once
      1. unpack the gererator-csui-extension to a dedicated folder (p.ex. generator)
      2. While not(!) in this folder, install yeoman globally (npm install -g yo@1)
      3. go inside the folder generator
      4. link this as an extension to npm (npm link)
    2. Lets generate the project folder
      1. make the folder named project
      2. go inside the folder named project. Its empty
      3. Start yo to execute the csui-extension (yo csui-extension)
        1. you need to define the name of your oscrippt module and the requirejs base name. Then its doing a lot.
        2. Now your project is really full. You can optionally add a demo widget (yo csui-extension:widget)
      4. Now, build the project (grunt)

Ok, now the project folder project is operable. Lets take a close look on the generator.

(Remark: The versions mentioned are the working versions in my dev machines. Other, newer versions may work, but this is not guaranteed.)

Close Look at the Generator

When you do a npm link, a symbolic link is is build from the folder to [roaming dir]\npm\node_modules\generator-csui-extension.

Symlink Generator and Yeoman

So the extension folder is used as input for the yo execution.

Our Generator source folder looks like

Mann Content of the Generator

The app folder here is interesting

App folder of the Generator

First lets take a look on the rest of the templates folder

Some deeper folders in the hierarchie

Here we see, we have the same structure as lib…. in the sdk. SO the complete SDK is copied fron the generator folder to the project dir unter lib. There is no need to use the sdk folder (except for docs and samples)

A closer look at index.js (Excerpt). This file is executed during “yo csui-extension”.


Here you see, the whole structure is copied directly from the templates folder to the destination project. All contents in this templates folder are later in the project folder.

A closer look at package.js


The package.json contains as always the definition of this generator extension like, name, description and depedencies of this extension.

Areas for Customizations are at this areas (for example):

  • Custom gruntfiles, which shoulkd apprear in all new generated project folders
  • A different setup for the linters which should apprear in all new generated project folders
  • Added libraries
  • Added documentation structures

How to do this

Simply modify the generatot folder, add your customizations and modifications. You can save this folder as .zip to distribute internal standards.

Happy Customizing

New in 21.1: Search MyAssignments Widget

The new Search Box

A minor improvement in OpenText’s new Content Server 21.1 is the addition of a Search Box in the MyAssignments Widget in smartUI.

The new MyAssignments Search Box - not expanded

Here, the MyAssignments widget is marked. To marvel at the new Search Box, you need to expand the widget.

The new MyAssignments Search Box - the Loupe

Then click on the loupe

Next, the Search Box is displayed.

The new MyAssignments Search Box -the Search Box

Happy Searching

New in 21.1: The new CAPI.ExecN Oscript command

New OScript for 21.1

There is a new CAPI.ExecN command special for Postgres operations.

Oscript, the final frontier. We write the year 2021 and the OScript universe is going to expand. The newest member is CAPI.ExecN.


Bulk Postgres operations are slow. There is a new implementation of CAPI.ExecN, which fixes this. But there is no free beer in the universe. This new implementation exposes Postgres SQL weaknesses (throws SQL errors).

As for 21.1, this is an experimental feature. IN 21.2, it will be activated by default.

For all the explorers in the world, this feature has to be actiated manually in 21.1.

Activate experimental feature

Activating missing Webreport Tabs

Missing Tabs

A short, but sometimes time consuming thing are the missing Webreport Tabs. Imagine, you have a Content Server with an jetty based internal Admin Server or an external Admin server on a fast machine.

The problem

Then, from time to time, you will see this on editing a webreport:

Missing Webreports Tabs

All Edit Tabs for the webreport are missing. Although you can start the missing functions within the URL, its annoying.

The Cure

If this happens, use this Magic Trick N,12:

Simply stop Content Server and Admin Server. Start the Admin Server and wait at least 5 min before starting the Content Server.

Magic Trick N.12 in Action

Then you’ll see everything is there.

Wow. You made it. You are a great wizard.


There is a timing problem in the Content/Admin Server. If the Content Server starts to fast, COntent Server thinks, there is no license for webreports at first. Later, it gets the license, but the GUI is drawn without the webreports tabs.

Wait for your Content Server to start up. Wait at least for 5 min. Then everything will be drawn in the GUI.

Happy webreporting.

New in 21.1: Folder-Templates

The latest addition in OpenTexts Template technology are Folder-Templates.

Reason for the new Folder-Templates:

Here is a couple of use cases:

  • Create a folder from template within in Workspace: Create some optional folders (not applicable to every Workspace) with predefined folder names, folder permissions, etc.
  • Create folder from template in the enterprise directory: Create a hierarchical structure with predefined folder names, folder permissions, etc

Folder-Templates – How do they work?

Lets explain this in a step-by-step example:

  1. Create the Top Folder structure in “Content Server Document Templates”. Dont forget to add the Classifications according to your schema. Here the main structure is named “Stock Plan”

2. Create the folder structure as required.

3. Add the folder structure at any connected workspace you like. Here a smartUI based workspace is displayed. At the “+”, you can add the Folder Structure “Stock Plan” by one simple click.

5. Then the folder structure is added. The clock icon is a smartUI indicator, that this structure is new. (See my posts on this topic)

Annd there are all subfolders defined.

All Classifications, Categories etc applied to the template will also be present at this copy, like in any other template.

The Sky is the Limit!

Happy Templating.

Next week we’ll discuss the Improvements in Content Intelligence (3 new Widgets) and the Modifications in the Webreports in the amazing new Version 21.1 of Content Server.

New in 21.1: Multilingual Metadata Support

Multilingual Metadata in 21.1

Finally, Multilingual Metadata Support is implemented in Content Server 21.1. Before that version there was only Support available here.

The Users Point of Vue

Multilingual Metadata can be added/edited at the Property Panel of a document. The first screenshot gives the entry of the name, the second gives the entry of the Description field.

Multilingual Metadata in 21.1
Multilingual Metadata in 21.1

Only Names and Descriptions are supported for Multilingual Metadata. For more fields or even Category Attributes in multiple languages, refer to an OpenText Partner like CASSIA.

The Programmers Point of Vue

The Name and Description fields show at least two multilingual text pickers. These are found in the SDK in /lib/csui/controls/multilingual.text.picker and in /lib/csui/dialogs/multilingual.text.picker. Unfortunately there is no Documentation and no index.html. Lets take a look on that control:

The Controls

The left screenshot is from dialogs, the right is from controls.

Multilingual Text PIcker

This is embedded in the header.view.js from the dialogs/node.picker and will only be activated, if Metadata Languages are enabled. The mixin allows the form to be displayed as a Bootstrap Popover.

Mixin Start

Changes in that area require the changed multilingu<al text picker and also the changed paths to be followed for that changes. Therefore require a spawn of the whole nodestable widget to reflect that changes. This is acually not recommended.

Happy MLM

New Webreport Widgets for Security Clearances and Supplemental Markings in 21.1

Security Clearing and Supplemenmtal Marking WIdgets

In the new Content Server Version 21.1 there are two new Report Widgets for Security Clearances and Supplemental Markings.

How does it look like?

Security Cleariances abd Supplemental Markings Widgets

Here, both are shown on a landing page. This Widgets can be expanded by clicking on thy symbol on the lower right.

Full paghe Security Clearance Widget

Then the full page widget view will be drawn. The report can be refined by selecting several columns.

How to configure?

Simply add this widgets on the perspectives you want by dragging and dropping the widgets from the new group “Security Clearance Reports” to the widget area.

Security Clerarance and Supplemental Markings in Perspective Manager

How to Install?

The widgets must be installed. They are based on several webreports and livereports. These reports are bundled in an Content Server App called OTRMSecReports. Open the “Applications Management” and install the application along with OTRMReports.

Applications Management
View Application

If its installed, you can check the components in “View Application”.

Ensure, that the version number is correct or correct the appropiate zip file.

Happy Security Clearance and Supplemental Markings Listing!

The new Treebrowse Component – Nearly a Windows Explorer

Treeview Control

The Treebrowse Component is a new in Content Server 21.1. What’s a Treebrowse?

Let’s take a look at the index.html at csui/controls/treebrowse/test

Treeview Control

This is an additional Window with the tree based display of all folders in a Content Server. It can be configured that a click on the top left icon will switch it on and off. This Treebrowse Control will then change the display of a Nodestable according to the folder pressed.

Additional Features

Lazy loading and prefetch options for performance. There are a couple of options to configure the loading of the nodes for performance. A “Show More” button can be configured

Tree Navigation is in sync with Table View in Nodestable view. The Nodestable is displays the children of the selected folder.

Multiple root nodes can be configured.


This Treebrowse is always there, but it must be enabled.

'csui/lib/backbone', "csui-ext!csui/controls/treebrowse/navigation.tree"
], function (module, Backbone, moduleConfigs) {
'use strict';
var config = module.config(),
enableSystemLevel = !!config.enable;
moduleConfigs = moduleConfigs || [];
var configModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
sequence: 100,
enabled: function (status, options) {
return false;
data: function (status, options) {
return {};
configCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: configModel,
comparator: 'sequence'

The var enableSystemLevel is interesting.

var NavigationTree = {
enabled: function (status, options) {
  if (!!enableSystemLevel) {
    return true;
  var enabled                = false,
      moduleConfigCollection = new configCollection(moduleConfigs);
  moduleConfigCollection.some(function (mConfig) {
    enabled = mConfig.get('enabled')(status, options);
    if (enabled) {
      status.originatingView.treeData = mConfig.get('data')(status, options);
    enabled = enabled ? true : enabled;
    return enabled;
  return enabled;
return NavigationTree;

As you can see, the Enablement on a system level can be done in OScript. Refer to this post, if you want so figure out how.

If you want to configure this control only for certain folders, you should do:

  • Implement methods enable and data in a separate file and return them in an enclosed object.
  • Register this file which returns object containing enable and data methods as an extension to the “csui/controls/treebrowse/navigation.tree” in the respective module.
"csui/controls/treebrowse/navigation.tree": {
    "extensions": {
      "RMExtensions": ["RMExtensions/controls/treebrowse/RMExtensions.treebrowse.tree"]
  • Enable method should return a condition that specifies when the Tree Navigation should be enabled.
  • The data method should return data that must be passed to tree navigation while instantiation. This data should include configurable settings. If there is no data to be passed default settings are applied.


define([], function () {
  'use strict';
  var RMTreeView= {
    enabled: function (status, options) {
       var supportMaximizeWidget = $("body").hasClass("csui-support-maximize-widget");               return (supportMaximizeWidget && $("body").hasClass("csui-maximized-widget-mode") === false);
    data: function () {
      return {
        "lazyTree": true;
    sequence: 50
  return RMTreeView;

A more complex enabled function (like in the index.html) is

enabled: function (status, options) {
var parent_id = status && status.container && status.container.get('parent_id');
return !!parent_id;


  • Parameters thats need to be included as part of module config:
    • sequence – number default: 100 Decides the priority of a module when multiple modules enabled treeview.
    • enable – function controls whether the treeview command should be visible or not. Need to return a logic whether tree view command is visible.
    • data – function Returns an object of data that are passed to treeview. The parameters that are returned by the data method are passed as options to the constructor of node.tree.view.
    • Parameters that can be returned by the data method are::
      • lazyTree – Boolean default: false Decides whether to prefetch items at one level ahead to display without any delay on clicking showmore button / to fetch the items after clicking show more button.
      • showItemsBlockSize – Number default: 10 Number of items that are shown on expansion of any node or clicking on showmore button.
      • rootNodes – Array of nodemodels default: top most ancestor node of the currently active node An array of nodes which are used as root nodes by the tree. If more than one root node is provided then multiples root nodes are displayed.

Happy Tree Browsing!