Calling OScript from Java Code (2)

In December 2016, we discussed how to call Java code from OScript . Now, we’ll discuss the other way round, how to call OScript from Java. This can be quite useful, if you want to use your business logic implemented in java against the content server.

The Java code must be put in the ojlib directory (see the previous post on this topic).

As always, if you want to deploy your java code within a module, do this

  • Build your code into jar files.
  • Add the jar files in OTHOME/ojlib/ or OTHOME/module/yourmodule_yourversions/ojlib/ directory (and their subdirectories) to be recognized by Content Serverk JVM’s application classloader.

The base thing is, you call OScript built-in functions through the OScriptObject.runScript method from a java coding.

For example, the java code


will display the unique integer for the current thread ID at the console (or in the logs, if you do not use CSIDE)

You can call all OScript functions and scripts. This example will list all nodes in the enterprise workspace

     // List nodes in the Enterprise workspace.
            result = (Map<String,Object>) OScriptObject.runScript( "$LLIAPI.NodeUtil.ListNodes",
				args );

prgCtx is the standard rogram Context, args is the ArrayList containing the arguments and A1 points to the first entry in the args array to be used as ParentID.

The next example can be used to get the current user from java coding, extract its userID and then derives the user name from ths user id. A standard logger is used to log the output, replace this with the logger of your preference.

    public static String getUserName( OScriptObject prgCtx )
    throws Exception
        String retval = " user not found";
            // get the user session object
            OScriptObject uSession = (OScriptObject) prgCtx.invokeScript( "USession" );
            // get the userID from the User Session
            Integer userID = (Integer) uSession.getFeature( "fUserId" );
            // display it
            logger.log( Level.INFO, "UserID is " + userID );
            retval = "The current login User: " + userID;
            // Get the Users name from the User ID
            Map<String,Object> status = (Map<String,Object>)
			OScriptObject.runScript( "$LLIAPI.UsersPkg.NameGetByID", uSession, 1000 );
            logger.log( Level.INFO, String.valueOf( status ) );
            logger.log( Level.INFO, (String) status.get( "Name" ) );
        catch( Exception e )
            logger.log( Level.SEVERE, "Caught Exception", e );
            throw e;
        return retval;


In the next posting on this topic, we’ll discuss the Mappings from JAVA to OScript and vice versa.