Whats new in the Workflow Area of Content Server 16.2.9?

There are seveeral new things implemented in the Workflow area of Content Server 16.2.9.

First think of a very simple workflow defined like this.

a very simple Workflow as example
A really simple workflow

Lets set the name of our workflow to “Test Work Flow 16.2.9”. Lets initiate it.

Stop Action in smartUI

If configured on a landing page, the workflow tracking widget shows our workflow, once initiated like this

The Workflow Tracking Widget
The workflow tracking widget

If you click on the extension button on the lower right of the workflow tracking widget, then there will be a list of all workflows belonging to or initiated by this person will open.

A workflow list with only one workflow.

If you click on the status of a workflow (here we have only one workflow to click onto), the details of this workflow instance opens

Details of the Test Work Flow 16.2.9

Here you see a graphical overview of the current step along with all steps of the workflow. This instance of the workflow an be stopped by pressing the “Stop” Button.

Open the Workflow Map from smartUI

A new Edit Action has been added to allow the edit of a Workflow Map

The new edit action for workflow maps

This will open the Workflow Map Editor in the legacy gui

A simple Workflow
A really simple Workflow

Copying or Moving Workflow Attachments in smart UI

Workflow Attachments can now be moved of copied within the Workflow Attachment Panel