Amending the tabbed perspective

Tabs in the header: Playing hide&seek

In the tabbed perspective there is a nice game of hide and seek implemented. This gives you excellent entertainment, but you can amend this to simply display tabs as usually in any non-gaming environment. All examples here are displayed using the index.html from the /lib/src/csui/perspectives/tabbed.text/index.html. (Version 21.1)

The described way tabbed perspectives behave in smartUI is not a bug, its a feature.

The initial game

It goes like this:

The not so hidden hide&seek tab mode

If you have defined a header and several tabs, filled with standard data, you’ll see this initially. But when you click on any but the first header, the game is activated.

Hide&seek mode activated

A simple click on the tab name activates the hide &seek mode. The tabs try to hide and you are supposed to seek for them. This is really a nice and entertaining game.

The conservative Amendment

But what if you want to switch off this challenging mode?

Deactivating the hide&seek mode to allow the more conservative tab display

The build in hide&seek mode can be switched off by commenting this two lines in the tabbed.perspective.view.js.

A reload of the test page gives you by clicking to the second or thirth tab this:

The converwative Tab Display.

Although you switched of the hide&seek mode, you can now use the SDK to display the tabs in a more conservative way.

The smartUI SDK is very versatile and can be used for several purposes, even for conservative tab displays.

The only thing to decide for you is how to change that in the smartUI. Either spawn this into your own perspective or map your changed .js file over the standard requirejs path, this is up to you. You can even try to clear the cs-collapse.css and cs-toggling.css classes using the csui-stype-override-kit (I have not tested that for side-effects).

Happy tabbing.

Activating missing Webreport Tabs

Missing Tabs

A short, but sometimes time consuming thing are the missing Webreport Tabs. Imagine, you have a Content Server with an jetty based internal Admin Server or an external Admin server on a fast machine.

The problem

Then, from time to time, you will see this on editing a webreport:

Missing Webreports Tabs

All Edit Tabs for the webreport are missing. Although you can start the missing functions within the URL, its annoying.

The Cure

If this happens, use this Magic Trick N,12:

Simply stop Content Server and Admin Server. Start the Admin Server and wait at least 5 min before starting the Content Server.

Magic Trick N.12 in Action

Then you’ll see everything is there.

Wow. You made it. You are a great wizard.


There is a timing problem in the Content/Admin Server. If the Content Server starts to fast, COntent Server thinks, there is no license for webreports at first. Later, it gets the license, but the GUI is drawn without the webreports tabs.

Wait for your Content Server to start up. Wait at least for 5 min. Then everything will be drawn in the GUI.

Happy webreporting.

Remove Commands from Nodestable etc in the smartUI SDK

Command is Gone

From time to time you’ll need to remove commands from the widgets, like the nodeslist widget.

The magic spice is setting up a blacklist on the masks.js files during the initial phase:

  config: {
    'csui/widgets/search.results/toolbaritems.masks': {
      'mycustomer': {
        'otherToolbar': { blacklist: ['Properties', 'permissions'] },
        'inlineToolbar': { blacklist: ['Properties', 'permissions'] }

There are several possibilities to do that.

1, The approved way

The approved way is to configure smartUI before its initialized from OScript.

This can be done by overriding the GetDynamicConfiguration in your base smartUI module (the one with the csuiextension orphan) like:

override function Assoc GetDynamicConfiguration(Object prgCtx, Record request)
    List blacklist = { "Copy", "Move" }
    return assoc{
      "csui/widgets/nodestable/toolbaritems.masks": assoc{
        "basecsui": assoc{
          "tableHeaderToolbar": assoc{ "blacklist": blacklist },
          "inlineToolbar": assoc{ "blacklist": blacklist },
      "csui/widgets/nodestable/headermenuitems.masks": assoc{ 
        "basecsui": assoc{ "blacklist": blacklist }     }    }

Here in this example, the toolbaritem.masks and the headermenuitem.masks are set up with our magic spice (a blacklist containing all the signatures of the commands not desired). This will remove the “Copy” and “Move” commands from the list of commands permanently. And permanently means, this will survice a Page Reload.

2. The ugly way (but also surviving a Page Reload)

The ugly way is a way is the standard OpenText Way of overriding app.html and configuring the blacklists by yourself. Lets take a look at the app.html (found at ../core/module/csui/html).

Here is an example on a windows server:

Where to find app.html
app.html - the head

In the upper part you can see the csui.require calls. At the top you’ll notice a csui.require.config call, where you can put our magic spice (see above).

The disadvantage is, when you override app.html (directly or by using htmlmap) then you’ll have to check, if any future OpenText patches will override the app.html also.

BUT: If you override app.html, you can take advantage of this for example by implementing a permanent footer, which is always drawn at the bottom. You cannot do that with pure smartUI tools.

Here is an example of a permanent footer in the body part of the app.html.

Multiple usages of app.html - the body

3. The force way

There is also a brutal way to remove commands without that configuration of app.html. This requires

  • a widget or a command to do the removal
  • a couple of js lines

But on the other hand, this is the way which allows easy recovery of the command by doing a simple refresh of the page.

Here is a demo case (a wild version of the hello widget from my training installation). This is a widget with some demos and a new inserted button to delete a command.

a very chaotic demo

Behind the button are some js lines of code, which will remove the Copy-Command. Actually, the lines var b=commands.get(“Copy”); and commands.remove(b); do the job.

You will have to require /csui/utils/commands unter commands to use this two lines.

Two lines to decide the fate of the copy command.
Two Javascript Lines will decide the fate of the copy command

Lets see the initial command set. The Copy Command is here as usual.

Copy command lives

After the red button is pressed in the then the Copy Command is gone:

Copy Command is gone

We simply deleted the Copy command from the list of commands. This means, a simple Refresh will restore it.

Have much fun on playing around with commands!